Bulk MAP Fertiliser pricing for 2022 remains strong.

Please contact Pacific Fertiliser for pricing of bulk MAP ex most eastern ports, to lock in your requirements for the 2022 winter sowing window.

A Stormy Start to 2022.

Lets hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.  However with the storms come positives such as higher sub soil moisture levels.  Given the good moisture levels we should see another good start to the winter sowing season provided weeds are under control.

With prices still strong for livestock & grains then the outlook for the year is favourable.  Summer crops are booming and in northern NSW & southern Qld they aren’t far away from harvest.  Let hope the summer crop harvest goes more smoothly than the winter crop harvest.


Fertiliser Update

Fertiliser pricing in the first quarter could see phosphate fertilisers including AP’s remain firm, with cost increases, production and supply issues.

The Urea price has softened a little over the last two weeks, with talk the SOA price may follow suit, however production and shipping costs remain high.

With Domestic stock levels low coming into the Winter sowing window, it is best to move quickly on your requirements out to Apr/May. Pacific Fertiliser has fertiliser stock at most eastern Ports. Including MAP, DAP, Urea, SSP, DSP, however these products are all in short supply and selling fast.

Like all commodity prices we are playing in a global market and things can change daily.


Lime / Gypsum / Dolomite

For those getting ready for Winter grains, Pacific Fertiliser refines & supplies high analysis Ag Mineral products like bulk ag lime, gypsum and dolomite throughout the eastern states. Supply on these products will tighten as we approach April, so its best to get your orders booked in early.

All of our minerals products can be supplied in powder, granular form and in blends.

With fertiliser prices remaining high, gypsum will be a great option for canola growers with its 16-17% sulphur content. Other alternative uses for gypsum will be in products such as 70/30 blends of soft rock phosphate and gypsum to provide a long term Single Super replacement.