Guano is a natural di-calcium phosphate product comprised of biological combination of seabird droppings, decomposed seabirds, coral, kelp, fish and other sea life. The products have good Phosphorous and calcium content with the added benefit of silica and trace elements. Guano Sulphur Gold (GSG) has been blended with sulphur to give a good around fertiliser (0-13-0-11 + 26% Ca). The granulated guano products are 2-5mm and air suitable for air seeders and belt spreaders.
Other Guano products available Guano Gold KwikStart (0-12-0-0 + 29% Ca), We can blend Guano Sulphur Gold and Guano Gold KwikStart with most fertiliser, minerals, trace elements, sulphur and biology to match your requirements.
Some examples of alternate fertiliser blends:
50% GSG / 50% Single Super, gives 0-11-0-11 providing both a quick and long term P source
70% GSG / 30% SOA, gives 6-9-0-15 providing some N with a quick and long term source of both P & S
70% GSG / 30% Double Super S9, gives 0-13-0-10 providing a quick and long term source of both P & S