Typical addition rates for the application of bentonite for sealing dams walls.

Bentonite Minimum Addition Rates*
Soil Type Kg/m2 Kg/m2
Fractured Rock or Gravel 10 8
Clean Sand 10 8
Silty Sand 8 5
Sandy Silt 8 5
Clay 6 to 9 7

* Please seek professional advice if you are unsure. Data shown is for 50 – 75mm seal. Conditions may require a thicker seal.

Volclay SG is a granular bentonite product applied via the sprinkle method.

Volclay SP is a powdered bentonite product applied via the blanket method, pure of mixed.

Bentonite is inert except for a light alkalinity and it can be dried & re-swelled an infinite number of times.

We also sell a high quality fine grade gypsum powder suitable to reduce sediment in dam water to improve water quality.