Triple Plus (aka Trespass or TSPS) Fertiliser Benefits
62t TriplePlus contains the same amount of phosphate as 125t Single Super (SSP).
(62t TriplePlus (0-18-0-10) contains [62 x (17.8/ 100)] = 11t phosphorus (P);
125t SSP (0-9-0-11) contains [125 x (8.8/100)] = 11t phosphorus (P).
The product is very suited to aerial or ground spread applications over hilly country where application rates and frequency are generally low. On top of allowing you to purchase less fertiliser, you could potentially reduce your handling and spreading costs by up to 50% by using the TriplePlus fertiliser product over single super.
The downside is triple super and triple plus are not the most available sources of phosphorous and in Triple Plus fertiliser the sulphur is mainly elemental.