Calcium Nitrate based fertilisers combine fast acting nitrate nitrogen alongside strength-building calcium, designed for high value quality field crops to improve the size, strength, appearance and importantly marketable yield.

Pacific Fertiliser calcium nitrate fertilisers produce better fruits and vegetables. Nitrate nitrogen is the source preferred by fruits and vegetables, which is readily available to plants and the calcium helps strengthen cell walls. Nitrogen and Calcium are very important plant nutrients that greatly assist plant cell growth, optimising leaf health and growth and neutralises acids to enable the plant to detoxify. Tree’s with ideal levels of Calcium post-harvest set up well for increased flower formation the following year.

Cal Nitrate is widely used in the agricultural market as a high-end water soluble fertiliser. This product can be used for foliar, fertigation or side dressing applications.

Benefits of Calcium Nitrate:
• High analysis water soluble form of Calcium and Nitrogen
• Readily available for a quick plant uptake
• Excellent fertiliser for plant cell formation
• Promotes protein production and healthy leaf growth
• Can help to reduce the severity of blossom end rot
• Neutralises acids to detoxify plants
• Not temperature dependant
• Does not contain heavy metals or damaging chlorides

General Directions for Use:
Vegetables: 25-200kg/ha
Fruit Trees: 100-150kg/ha
Foliar Rate: General foliar rates are at a concentration of 1-2%
Top dress post-harvest or before flowering formation
The actual rate, total applications and timings will vary considerably for different crops and locations.
Understand your soil nutrient levels and conduct a soil and/or leaf test prior to applications and always consult an experienced agronomist before use.