It’s shaping up to be a great spring! With forecasts of above average rainfall predicted for the Eastern states, it is important to make the most of tailored fertiliser applications that boost pasture and fodder reserves. Lock in your spring fertiliser now to ensure you achieve the best yield and crop quality.

Applying nitrogen fertiliser to pastures in late winter/early spring can increase dry matter production of grasses, allowing for earlier grazing. Nitrogen is the major nutrient required for growth by many crops including grass. It is the key to achieving high dry matter yields and improved feed quality.

We recommend to apply phosphate with nitrogen in spring for both grazing and silage applications. Industry trials have shown that spring applied phosphorus improves the response from nitrogen, even on soils with high P levels.

On grazing farms, a portion of your annual P requirement should be applied in early spring and the major share should be applied by April. Fresh phosphorous fertiliser applications can boost availability at a time when its natural availability is reduced by lower soil temperatures in early spring and also by April and May, when grass growth is peaking and there is a very high demand for P.

Potassium is also taken up during rapid growth phases in spring and early summer, so an adequate supply of K is essential for maximising yields from applied nitrogen.

Generally in Australia, the same paddocks are chosen for hay and silage production and it’s a situation, that if not well managed, will quickly deplete nutrients from the soil such as N-P-K-S and Mg.

Like all nutrients the decision on product, application rate and timing should be based on soil test, soil type, crop and agronomic recommendations.