Acid sulfate soil materials are most commonly assessed for their acidity hazard. The Net Acidity of the soil is a measure of this hazard and is used to determine whether an ASS management plan (ASSMP) should be developed.

The objective of an ASSMP is to control net acidity levels within the soils disturbed during the excavations at the above site and to restrict to an acceptable level any
potential on-site and off-site environmental impacts during construction.

The ASSMP is implemented to mitigate and manage potential environmental impacts associated with ASS during the construction works. This will be achieved as follows:-
The excavation of soils requires a material handling, management strategy and procedure for the appropriate off-site treatment of the ASS (if insufficient space is
available for on-site treatment) to be in place. Monitoring of groundwater collected within the site to ensure discharge water complies with water quality criteria.