Pacific Fertiliser has purchased specialised Fertiliser blending equipment from the USA.

Our aim is to offer bespoke blending services to customers for their tailored paddock blends (one-pass blends). These fertiliser blending systems will be available in regional areas where we can load our customers trucks, spreaders and groupers.

In Addition to blending services for normal fertiliser products, we will also be able to offer blends on organic products & trace elements . The systems can also add biology and inhibitors to the fertiliser blends.

Seed coating treatment is also possible using the blenders, such as Ferticote etc if/when required.

At Pacific Fertilisers we pride ourselves on providing the best quality fertiliser to suit individual crop requirements.

Using a soil analysis and or crop recommendation we can formulate a bespoke fertiliser blend using both Macro and Micro nutrients to help achieve the best possible yield and quality in any crop.

This can then be blended and packaged ready for delivery. A very cost effective and environmentally friendly way of supplying crop needs without supplying excess nutrients to the crop.

Contact us for more information.