
Granulated Guano

January 8th, 2018|

Guano is a natural organic phosphate product. Pacific Fertiliser Guano products has good phosphorous and calcium contents with the added benefit of silica and trace elements. Through blends Guano gives a natural organic alternative to Single Super and PKS fertilisers. The 2-5mm granulated Guano products are easy to handle and are air-seeder ready.

Frit Industries

November 30th, 2017|

Frit produces granular, powder and liquid micronutrient formulations in the oxide, sulfate, and chelated forms. Standard Products: F-156 G F-212 G F-220 G F-227 G F-287 G F-305 G F-317 G F-413 G F-420 G F-425 G F-503 G F-577 G - F-683 G FB-48 G Turf & Ornamental Products: F-227 GC F-287 GC F-358

Iron Sulphate

November 30th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser can supply Iron Sulphate and Iron oxide products such as: Ferrous sulphate monohydrate Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate F577G - Iron oxide/sulphate blend Iron Granules - Iron sulphate/oxide blend Iron Oxy Sulphate We can supply this product in bags or in tailored blends with fertiliser and minerals. Iron is a catalyst in the formation of chlorophyll

Nitraphos carb

November 28th, 2017|

Nitrophos carb is a blend of fertiliser and minerals, designed to not only fertilise turf but also rebuild tired soils with ameliorants. 12-5-14-6 + 7% Ca + Trace elements  

Micronised Gypsum Products

November 27th, 2017|

Pacific Fertilisers manufacturers micronised gypsum products suitable for agricultural, civil and industrial applications. The microfine gypsum products include: G100S - Solution Grade Gypsum - Suitable for dissolution in irrigation systems. G100FL - Flocculation Grade Gypsum - Suitable for flocculating dams including farm dams and civil sedimentary catchment dams. G100A - Aerial Suspension Grade Gypsum -

Potato Grower Services

November 24th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser Offers a full range of growing services to Potato growers including: Agronomy Fertiliser inputs Soil conditioner Inputs Trace Elements Foliar Sprays

Bundaberg Gypsum

November 24th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser is now offering the following natural gypsum products from Bundaberg: QLD Mined - 98% passing 10mm - purity 96% Screened Mine2g - sub 3mm screened - purity 94% We can also offer other soil conditioners, fertiliser and specific blends.

Legume Max Fertiliser

November 11th, 2017|

Perfect for Legume crops the NPKS blend with 4-9-19-5 generally consists of providing good levels of P and K Legume Max - general make up - 26.6% SSP, 28.1% MAP, 7.5% SOA, 37.7% MOP  

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