Fertiliser Price Update 14th Feb 2023

Domestically the market is still soft, but it feels like we are getting close to the bottom for most fertiliser prices as operations start to commit for the season.

Depending on collection timing Urea pricing is currently around mid $700’s ex port and MAP/DAP is in the high $1000’s, which is a fair change from last years prices. Even SOA at low 600’s and SSP at low $500’s is refreshing news for growers.

Globally a few countries haven’t committed to Urea tenders which is keeping the price soft. However some domestic ports are low on stock, so timing will influence your procurement decisions.

Phosphate prices on the global market are firm, and the length domestically should be taken up with new winter crop commitments.

If you haven’t locked in your fertiliser requirements for the year, please contact us for pricing and options.

Whilst the prices are soft, the question is how long do you wait? But it will soon start to become logistically hard to get the tonnes out of each port in time for planting.