Some Single Super – Sulphate of Potash blends for Lucerne crops:

Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 1&1 – (0-4-25-6 + 10% Ca)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 1&1 Mo.025% – (0-4-25-6 + 10% Ca + 0.25 Mo)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 2&1 – (0-6-17-7 + 13% Ca)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 2&1 Mo.025% – (0-6-17-7 + 13% Ca + 0.25% Mo)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 3&1 – (0-7-13-8 + 14% Ca)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 3&1 Mo.025% – (0-7-13-8 + 14% Ca + 0.25% Mo)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 4&1 – (0-7-10-9 + 15% Ca)
Single Super Potash Blend – SSP Pot 5&1 – (0-7-8-9 + 16% Ca)

General application rates are around 200-300kg/ha depending on growing conditions and soil requirements/type.