Freight, storage & spreading costs are not getting any cheaper, so the transition to higher analysis fertiliser like Double Super (DSP) or Triple Super makes sense.

The higher phosphorus analysis of Pasture King fertiliser can provide you with a cheaper landed (or spread cost) per unit of phosphorous (P). Allowing you can purchase, transport, store and spread less product.

We also offer various blend ratios of sulphur in the Pasture King range.
– Pasture King S9: (0-15-0-9), P:S ratio = 1.7:1
– Pasture King S13: (0-14-0-13), P:S ratio = 1:1
– Pasture King S17: (0-13-0-17), P:S ratio = 0.8:1 (same as single super)

Example of potential cost saving from using high analysis phosphate fertiliser:

70t Pasture King Fertiliser contains the same amount of phosphate as 125t Single Super (SSP).

(70t Pasture King (0-16-0-5) contains [70 x (15.7/ 100)] = 11t phosphorus (P);
125t SSP (0-9-0-11) contains [125 x (8.8/100)] = 11t phosphorus (P).

On top of allowing you to purchase less fertiliser, you could potentially reduce your handling and spreading costs by up to 56% by using the Pasture King fertiliser products.

Single Super Equiv Phosphorous spreading application rates SSP@125kg/ha
WPKSS5 – 70 kg/ha
WPKSS9 – 74kg/ha
WPKSS13 – 78kg/ha
WPKSS17 –  81kg/ha