PHOSPHATE ROCK products are an excellent natural source of phosphorus, calcium and many essential trace elements including silica. This form of P is readily available and does not lock up to other cations such as calcium.
Pacific Fertiliser’s Soft Rock Phosphate (SRP) has the following advantages:
- The product is Pre-digested, making it more soluble than other sources of SRP;
- Contains good P and Ca levels with the added beneficial silica and low cadmium;
- Phosphate rock has up to one fifth the neutralizing power of lime;
- It is an Australian mined and refined product.
We sell soft phosphate and reactive phosphate rock (RPR) in powered or granules both in straights or blended with products like gypsum, biology, sulphur, lime, compost and humates. Pacific Fertiliser produces a natural blended product similar to Single Super Phosphate (SSP) using SRP2, that can meet organic or sustainable input requirements, called SRP Sustain and SRP SustainR.
Rock phosphate, can mineralise the soil and improve the quality of crops and soil structure. However, its principal uses are to build phosphate fertility where levels are low and/or to increase rooting activity in transplants and sprouting seeds.
Soft Rock Phosphate is typically not bound by high Phosphorus Retention Index (PRI) soils, resulting in increased Phosphorus availability with continued use. Our Soft Rock Phosphate products are more suited to acidic / aluminium rich soils, where it can provide additional pH buffering.
Pacific Fertiliser supply Ag Lime in Fine, Super Fine, Ultra Fine and Granular grades from our plants in bulk, bulkbags or pallets of 25kg bags.

Phosphate Rock is a slow release organic fertilizer and continuously adds P to the soil over a longer period of time. The benefits to farmers are lower costs and lower labour requirements because Phosphate Rock does not have to be applied every year. The phosphorous is not water soluble so it will not rapidly leach away, but the collodial soft rock phosphate shows good levels of citrate solubility providing good plant available nutrients. Our Rock Phosphate products that can provide exceptional results and make P readily available for plants, especially if the soil is Acidic (pH 5 to 6) with low levels of calcium (Ca) and available P.
Unlike acidulated phosphates, such as triple super phosphate, Phosphate Rock offers a small percentage of its total phosphate content as immediately available. Large quantities of available phosphate from acidulated phosphates tend to fix or bond to cations (positively charged ion) nutrients in the soil, rendering the phosphate itself unusable, and also locking up the cations.
All this occurs before plants have a chance to use much of this very important phosphate. The slow release nature of Phosphate Rock allows plants good opportunity for access before fixation can occur. Additionally, fewer cation nutrients (such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium) can be bound up by free phosphate ions. Applications of Phosphate Rock can last up to 5 years, depending on soil conditions.
PRODUCT | SRP-13ProPlus | SRP-12Plus | SRP-11Plus | SRP-10 |
Mean (mm) | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
98% Passing (mm) | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
PRODUCT | SRP100 Milled | SRP2 Screened | SRP24 Granular | SRP Aerial Grade |
Mean (mm) | 0.035 | 0.5 | 3.0 | 6.5 |
98% Passing (mm) | 0.1 | 2.5 | 10 | 12 |
Pacific Fertiliser also manufacturers Reactive Phosphate Rock (RPR) products which can consist of soft rock phosphate blended with gypsum, sulphur and/or biology such as SRP Sustain and SRP Sustain ES. Sulphate Sulphur and/or Elemental Sulphur can be blended at various ratios (RPR:S), depending on soil properties and crop requirements. The Sulphur helps to overcome the constraint on the dissolution of RPR resulting from frequent periods of low soil moisture. Biology helps to activate the phosphate through the addition of Mycorrhiza fungi, Rhizobium and Bacilli (Bacillus megaterium).
The phosphate rock is also available in ultra fine ground sub 100um powder form and other granular/prilled sizes.
PacFert can add liquid biology products to the SRP for bio activation which are made up of active bacteria to carry mineral trace elements from plant surfaces into plant tissues. Such as Trichoderma Harzianum, Trichoderma Lignorum, Trichoderma Koningii, Bacillus Subtilis, Kelp, Fish Amoltions & Carbon Fulvic Humates. The benefits of adding liquid biology to your soft rock phosphate:
- Balanced food supply for soil microbes
- Stimulates soil microbial numbers and diversity
- Accelerates conversion of crop residues into humus
- Improves nutrient utilisation and soil moisture
Sulphur is the fourth major nutrient In agriculture. Effective in soil amendment for correcting Alkali and Saline Alkali soils and lowering soil pH. Sulphute will help the dissolution of soft rock Phosphate, making it become reactive rock phosphate. Sulphur Bentonite (B90) is dispersible elemental sulphur coated in bentonite clay pastilles for ease of handling and blending.
The benefit of silica in the domestically sourced soft rock phosphate can:
- maintain phosphorous in plant available form
- reduce the lockup of phosphorous by aluminium, iron and calcium
- reduce potassium leaching
- improves plant stress tolerance with the addition calcium in this product
Pacific Fertiliser can blend zinc, boron and other trace elements to the SRP or RPR products to meet your requirements.