Pacific Fertiliser manufacture a tailored fertiliser blend to be used as a base fertiliser for potato crops. Providing much needed macro and micro nutrients required to produce a high quality high yielding crop.

The general analysis for the granular blend is  14-12.5-0.3-2.6 + 0.35% Cu + 1.78% Zn + 0.67% Mn + 1.8% Fe + 0.93% B

Products used in the specific fertiliser blend are Urea, MAP, Zinc Sulphate, Copper Sulphate, Organibor, Omnispread Humates, Iron Sulphate, Manganese Sulphate.

The granular fertiliser blend is available in bulk or bulkbags.

Other blend ratios of fertiliser are available for potato and other horticultural and broad acre crops.