Pacific Fertiliser has access to the major Fertiliser Supply Partners to offer our customers a large range of products. Our tailored fertiliser solutions can assist in meeting your specific crop and soil requirements, through promoting healthy growth and increased productivity. Backed by years of industry expertise and dedication, Pacific Fertiliser is your partner for securing competitive fertiliser product solutions for your agricultural operations.
Liquids fertilisers can offer a convenient solution to evenly distribute nutrients, flexible placement and unbeatable accuracy when applied with modern application systems used in agriculture. When applied at the right rate and in the right conditions, Liquid fertilisers can supply accurate and balanced nutrients to satisfy crop requirements.

A fully water-soluble calcium nitrate fertiliser (CAN) for fertigation and foliar feeding of all crops. The product is a highly efficient source of calcium and nitrogen to maximise your crops strength (YaraLiva Calincit, Haifa Cal & Winharvest). Granular CAN fertiliser product and blends are available for top dressing crops and soil (Incitec Cal-Am). Designed for high value quality crops to improve the size, strength, appearance and yield

Pot Nitrate
A free flowing crystalline fully water soluble Potassium Nitrate fertiliser (PN) containing both patassium and nitrogen. There are two essiential nutirents for plant growth that need to be applied regularly for optimium yield and plant quality. Suited for all fertigation systems such as drip, solid set, pivots and spray units (Krista K and Multi K).

A fully water-soluble mono-potassium phosphate fertilizer, a highly efficient source of phosphorus and potassium for plants. As a nitrogen-free fertilizer, Multi-MKP is the preferred source of phosphorus and potassium when nitrogen fertilisation should be limited.

(N42, N26 etc)
Contains ammonium nitrate and provides readily available nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. It is a preferred nitrogen source for quick growing horticultural crops. It’s low volatilisation potential provides flexibility of application in many crops. It is not classified as a Dangerous Good. Other N ratios available.

A liquid foliar fertiliser containing nitrogen, sulphur, iron, zinc and copper, which is used to alleviate water logging in crops. We also have liquid Magnesium sulphate, copper sulphate and zinc sulphate.

A liquid foliar fertiliser containing nitrogen, sulphur, iron, zinc and copper, which is used to alleviate water logging in crops. We also have liquid Magnesium sulphate, copper sulphate and zinc sulphate.

Liquid nutrients containing calcium chloride for supplying foliar calcium to horticultural crops such as apples. We also have liquid Cal nitrate products.

A concentrated liquid boron product with broad tank mixability makes it easy to co-apply the products with agrochemicals, saving both time and money.

NPK Soluble
A high analysis NPK soluble fertiliser blend including trace elements such as Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B and Mo. This is a water soluble fertiliser suitable for fertigation and contains a full range of chelated trace elements ideal for all irrigation systems.

NKS Solubles
A high analysis NKS souble fertiliser blend suitable for hay production. It the blend nutrients are matched to suit removal rates for lucerne hay including B, Mg, Mo and Zn.

NPK Soluble
A high analysis NPK soluble fertiliser blend including trace elements such as Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B and Mo. This is a water soluble fertiliser suitable for fertigation and contains a full range of chelated trace elements ideal for all irrigation systems.

MAP Soluble
A fully water-soluble MAP fertiliser for fertigation and foliar feeding of all crops. The product is a highly efficient source of phosphorus and nitrogen for plants, and is recommended for use at the beginning of the growth season, when phosphorus availability is crucial for the establishment of the root system

The liquid NPK fertiliser blends contain 100% water soluble nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, for infurrow application with billets. Other NPK ratios available. Application example at planting in broad-acre or row crops and fertigated in horticultural crops.

Phosphorous is best applied direct into soil at the seed zone or direct boom spray application, irrigation lines or horticultural spray applicators.

This liquid fertiliser blend is a high analysis potassium product used to supplement potassium requirements during vegetative growth and early flowering and is also ideal for uptake in fruit during filling and ripening. Other K products are PotNitrate and PotSulphate.

Some of our liquid biology products can be used as a biocatalyst for fertiliser that increases nutrient availability from granular fertilisers and minerals to improve overall plant performance. Other biology products can enhance the natural growing mechanisms of the plant and soil through increasing photosynthesis, feeding microbial communities and growing larger root systems such as bacillus subtilis. When all elements are present in a balanced ratio, the organism, be it microbial or plant can function according to its maximum genetic potential.

100% Soluble K-humate is a concentrated soil conditioner available in 18% or 26% (wt/vol) concentrations of soluble humate and fulvate acids. Suitable for use with all forms of irrigation systems.
Accurate placement of fertiliser and nutrients are very important for efficient fertiliser usage. Crops have different growth habits and their requirements change throughout their growth phases, which impacts nutrient uptake. Accurate placement reduces the amount of fertiliser used and lowers the risk of nutrients leaching into water supplies.
Pacific Fertiliser liquid foliar products are developed to target the leaf or fruit, to work fast and to effectively overcome crop deficiencies. Each foliar product is formulated from high quality nutrient compounds with co-formulates to control and enhance performance. High quality chelates from the Pacific Fertiliser range are ideal for use in fertigation or soil-less systems. This means maximum nutrient availability in your soil/plant.
PacFert also sells liquid biology products that can be used as a biocatalyst for fertiliser, minerals and blends that increase nutrient availability in the soil to improve overall plant performance.