avocado fertiliser blend

Avocado Fertiliser Blends

January 3rd, 2019|

Pacific Fertiliser can offer the following fertiliser blends for Avocado trees: Avo Blend 1 (9-7-19-12 +TEs)   -  A full NPKS + B fertiliser blend with Zn + Boron Sustainable fertiliser Option: Avocado NPK Pro ( 7-3-13-6 +TEs) A granular blend of both manufactured fertiliser & organic minerals, blended with a unique nutrient mircrobial activator and soil catalyst. 

Avocado Tree Blends

March 28th, 2018|

We can supply standard fetililiser blends and organic fertiliser blends for avocado tree crops to northern NSW and Southern QLD growers. Blend 1 - NPKS + TE blend - 10-4-13-10 + 4% Ca + 2.7% 5Mg +TE's including Boron & Zinc (an avocado fert mix using Nitrophoska as the base) Blend 2 - NPKS + TE

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