bulk fertiliser supply

Open For Business – Covid Lockdowns July/Aug 2021

July 18th, 2021|

All of Pacific Fertiliser's sites are currently open and our trucks are operating to supply our agricultural customers. We have internal measures in place to ensure we are upholding the best hygiene and adhering to the current Covid guidelines in each state. Pacific Fertiliser would like you as customers (or your truck drivers) to carry out

Open For Business – Covid19

March 23rd, 2020|

All of Pacific Fertiliser's sites are currently open and our trucks are running to supply our agricultural customers. We have internal measures in place to ensure we are upholding the best hygiene and worker distancing on our onsites. However we would like you as customers to up hold the same standards and minimise interaction with

2017 Promo Video

August 5th, 2017|

WATCH // Our latest promo video produced by Galloping Group. ABOUT // Pacific Fertiliser specialises in high quality fertilisers, natural minerals, and trace elements for agricultural applications. We also supply numerous products suitable for civil and industrial applications • Superior Products, Superior Results • #pacfert https://vimeo.com/228311695  

Low Fertiliser Prices

May 14th, 2017|

Fertiliser prices are at a 10 year low after weak global demand and surplus global stock. Despite high demand for fertiliser locally and a low Australian Dollar the prices of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertiliser remain low compared to previous years. Urea prices have slipped by around $60/t compared to other winter sowing seasons where

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