calcium carbonate


May 22nd, 2018|

Maglime - is dolomitic limestone a pulverised calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate product and is predominantly finer than 1000 microns. The Fine Maglime is quarried and produced in NSW and is processed under our quality program producing consistent chemical and physical properties suitable for agricultural and civil applications. Fine Maglime is used in agriculture and

Hot Lime

January 9th, 2016|

Hot Lime (or quick lime) for agricultural applications. A mineral with chemical formula CaO, and is commonly called quick lime, burnt lime or hot lime. It is made by heating limestone (CaCO3) to drive off carbon dioxide. Quick lime is used in preference to normal Ag lime or slaked lime for agriculture applications in some horticultural

Sydney Ag Lime

September 29th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser can deliver bulk lime trucks and loads of lime bulkbags to the Greater Sydney area. Our Ag lime is superfine and very high quality, making it perfect for turf, veges, hort, pasture and copping applications. The Ag lime is suited for treating acid sulfate soils and our trucks are compliant for construction and

New Central West Lime Product Released

April 28th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Ag lime product for the Central & South West Regions in NSW. The high analysis lime product specifically made for agricultural use. The sub 1mm sizing allows for better handling, increased spreading accuracy and minimal dust loss during application, without effecting solubility. The general specifications of Pacific Fertiliser's Ag Lime: -

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