Fertiliser Bulk Densities

May 24th, 2017|

FERTILISER DENSITY AND SIZING Pacific Fertiliser manufactures and imports fertilisers, from various suppliers. Typical density and sizing data for the more commonly used products are shown in the following table. The fertiliser product bulk densities and specifications can vary between manufacturers/suppliers and over time, and consequently may differ from the table below. Before spreading

Triple Super Alternatives

December 18th, 2015|

Triple Superphosphate (TSP) product is no longer stocked in large volumes in Australia and TSP is mainly used in blends. The products that are being used in its place are TriplePlus/Tresspass fertiliser  (TSPS), Double Super Phosphate (DSP or PastureKing), Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and Single superphosphate (SSP). Triple superphosphate, while not chemically pure, can be thought

Custom Fertiliser Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Balance A quality fertiliser should have a balance of all the nutrients needed for optimum plant growth, yield, and quality. Does your fertiliser contain more than N-P-K? Does it include calcium and sulfur? How about trace minerals? If you answered yes, than you are part of the way toward a quality fertiliser. If you said


January 16th, 2014|

PacFert releases a new blended product called REMAP. A blend containing Urea, DAP, Rock Phosphate, Lime and Gypsum. REMAP has good levels of N, P, K, S and Ca. Which provides you with a good base of soil nutrients in a single low cost application. PRODUCT Nitrogen (N) Phosphorous (P) Potassium (K) Sulphur (S) Calcium


December 10th, 2013|

BENEFITS OF DIRECT APPLICATION PHOSPHATE ROCK Organic farming is the fastest growing sector of the global economy. Australia is the largest organic producer globally with 12 million hectares under organic cultivation. Pacific Fertiliser’s organic phosphate fertiliser is environmentally and nutritionally superior to chemical fertilisers and can be used on a wide variety of crops and

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