fertiliser application rates

Urea Application Rates

August 18th, 2018|

Urea contains 46% Nitrogen. A commonly traded commodity, Urea is usually the cheapest source of nitrogen available and therefore the most commonly used. Usual rates applied depend on potential crop yield, soil type, crop type and rainfall expected. Urea Application rates vary from 30kg/ha to 150kg/ha. In cereal crops in  the wheatbelt nitrogen has become

Double Super Benefits

February 27th, 2018|

Freight, storage & spreading costs are not getting any cheaper, so the transition to higher analysis fertiliser like Double Super (DSP) or Triple Super makes sense. The higher phosphorus analysis of Pasture King fertiliser can provide you with a cheaper landed (or spread cost) per unit of phosphorous (P). Allowing you can purchase, transport, store and

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