guano sulphur gold

Granulated Guano

January 8th, 2018|

Guano is a natural organic phosphate product. Pacific Fertiliser Guano products has good phosphorous and calcium contents with the added benefit of silica and trace elements. Through blends Guano gives a natural organic alternative to Single Super and PKS fertilisers. The 2-5mm granulated Guano products are easy to handle and are air-seeder ready.

KMS Fertiliser

January 8th, 2017|

ORGANIC POTASSIUM FERTILISER - KMS Fertilizer is a soluble and highly bio-available form of Potassium, balanced with Magnesium and Sulphur. KMS nutrients are readily available and the product has a low chlorides content. KMS Fertiliser 0-0-20-16 + 7% Mg KMS dissolves slowly reducing leaching losses making it a highly effective during the growing period. The

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