hot lime

Problems with Wet Excavated Material

May 6th, 2018|

Construction site problems with wet excavated material If you’re excavating moist material, and are lacking room, sun or more rain is forecasted, then lime could be the answer. Lime comes in many forms with the most common forms being Ag lime, hydrated lime and quick lime. Ag lime is generally used to adjust soil pH

Clubroot Treatment

April 28th, 2017|

Quick lime (aka hot lime) is used in preference to normal Ag lime or slaked lime for agriculture applications in some horticultural crops especially for treating clubroot Clubroot is caused by the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae. It affects plants of the brassica family which includes broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, turnips and Brussels sprouts as

Hot Lime

January 9th, 2016|

Hot Lime (or quick lime) for agricultural applications. A mineral with chemical formula CaO, and is commonly called quick lime, burnt lime or hot lime. It is made by heating limestone (CaCO3) to drive off carbon dioxide. Quick lime is used in preference to normal Ag lime or slaked lime for agriculture applications in some horticultural

Prilled Lime

October 22nd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser is now selling a granular lime product similar to Calciprill ex Brisbane. We can offer 1-2mm, 2-4mm, 2-6mm & 4-12mm granules.

QLD Lime

June 2nd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser sells high quality lime products throughout QLD. We sell Ag lime and lime products suitable for agriculture, industrial and civil applications. Products are available in bulk and bag.  

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