
Omnia Fertilisers

January 15th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser Supplies a wide range of Omnia products as straights and in our specialty blends. Omnia Products available through Pacific Fertiliser: OmBl OmniBlue per ton per unit 12N, 5P, 14K, 6S, 4.3Ca, 1.2Mg, Zn,Fe,B NPK12514-1000 1000 kg OMBL+FC-1000 FertiCoat 1000 kg OMBL+FC-20 FertiCoat 20 kg OmGl OmniGold per ton per unit 10%N, 11%P, 11%K,

Humates with Soft Rock Phosphate

April 14th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser is trialing blending its soft rock phosphate fines with humates to increase the effectiveness of the blended product and increase the solubility of the soft rock by upto 2.5 times.

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