ivanhoe gypsum

Gypsum Shipments

July 28th, 2014|

We have received the latest shipment of gypsum. Whilst Pacific Fertiliser continues to import high quality bulk gypsum products from other states and overseas, it is also exploring gypsum resources in NSW & QLD to satisfy the market. Pacific Fertiliser generally holds the following stockpiles: - 20,000 tonne of natural gypsum in stock in Brisbane;

Organic Soil Amendments and Fertiliser

September 16th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser sells various types of organic soil amendment products. These include: - Ag Lime (calcium source and pH adjustment) - Gypsum (source of calcium  and sulphur) - Soft Rock Phosphate (source phosphorous and calcium with some pH adjustment) - Dolomite (source of calcium and magnesium with pH adjustment) - Guano - Fish meal -

Pacific Fertiliser Sales

July 8th, 2013|

To avoid confusion between natural mined products and recycled gypsum products, we have started PACIFIC FERTILSER to separate the natural products from REGYP. From July 1 2013,  sales will go through the following process: PACIFIC FERTILISER - from 1 July 2013, sells all the natural mined products inc mined gypsum, phosphate rock, lime, bentonite

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