magnesium sulphate

KIESERITE – Magnesium Sulphate

August 5th, 2018|

Magnesium Sulphate (Heptahydrate & Monohydrate) is available in granular and water soluble crystals suitable for agricultural applications. Magnesium Sulfate is epsom salt for plants (MgSO₄), providing a good source of both magnesium and sulphur. General analysis  Mg 15% , S 17% Soluble - Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate is a fully water soluble magnesium and sulphur fertiliser.


May 22nd, 2018|

Maglime - is dolomitic limestone a pulverised calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate product and is predominantly finer than 1000 microns. The Fine Maglime is quarried and produced in NSW and is processed under our quality program producing consistent chemical and physical properties suitable for agricultural and civil applications. Fine Maglime is used in agriculture and


October 26th, 2017|

Kieserite (MgSO4· H2O) is used in the agricultural industry as a source for both magnesium and sulphur. Most commonly used in horticulture, one of its great benefits is that it is suitable for all types of crops and for use in any type of soil, regardless of pH level. It is a fast-acting water soluble

Magnesium Oxide

March 28th, 2017|

Many of Australia's soils are sufficient in magnesium however high yielding horticultural crops often require additional magnesium to meet plant demands. Also high potassium inputs can often create a magnesium imbalance in plants. Where high levels of potassium are being applied it is also beneficial to apply magnesium. We use Magnesium Oxide  in balanced fertililser

Mangesium Blends

February 4th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can provide magnesium blended into your products providing a one pass solution to meet your soil requirements. Magnesium (Mg) deficiency can be detrimental plants.  Magnesium can be easily leached away in strongly acidic, light or sandy soils. While this is an essential element for all plants, these crops have been found to be especially

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