nz phosphate

Ravensdown Exits QLD

May 27th, 2014|

Ravensdown will exit the Australian fertiliser market and cease its Queensland operations. The move comes five months after the completion of the sale of Ravensdown’s operations in Western Australia and South Australia and within a financial year that has seen the farmer-owned co-operative meeting its turnaround expectations in New Zealand. Ravensdown Fertiliser Australia was set

Phosphate and Sulphur Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Agricultural production removes plant nutrients; therefore, these must be replaced to sustain production. Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are perhaps the two nutrients of greater importance because Australian soils are inherently low in these elements. In the case of P, reactive phosphate rock (RPR) is the most practical fertiliser to replace P in broad-acre organic

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