Sulphur Conversion Rates
General Conversion table for Sulphur in agricultural products S to SO4 - multiply by 3 S to SO3 - multiply by 2.5 (AnS in Germany known as 26N 24%S vs 26N 60SO3 here) SO4 to S - divide by 3 SO3 to S - divide by 2.5
General Conversion table for Sulphur in agricultural products S to SO4 - multiply by 3 S to SO3 - multiply by 2.5 (AnS in Germany known as 26N 24%S vs 26N 60SO3 here) SO4 to S - divide by 3 SO3 to S - divide by 2.5
Pacific Fertiliser sells various types of organic soil amendment products. These include: - Ag Lime (calcium source and pH adjustment) - Gypsum (source of calcium and sulphur) - Soft Rock Phosphate (source phosphorous and calcium with some pH adjustment) - Dolomite (source of calcium and magnesium with pH adjustment) - Guano - Fish meal -