
Mine6 Gypsum

September 2nd, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser offers a screened gypsum from Sydney, Brisbane and Cowra suitable for horticulture, vegetable and nut growers where a guaranteed size of the natural gypsum is required. The product is very high quality and can be supplied throughout the year from all three plants. General supply is in bulk tippers but we can also


September 2nd, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new prilled product of 95% Gypsum and 5% Magnesium. This product is a great source of calcium, sulphur and magnesium. The 2 - 4mm prilled product increases flowability, bulk density and minimises dust during handling and  spreading General Product Specifications: • Calcium Ca - 21+% • Sulphur S - 17.4+% •


August 27th, 2013|

RPR-GYP is a blend of both Pacific Fertiliser's RPR2 Phosphate Rock and sub 2mm Mined Gypsum products, that provide an organic alternative to ordinary “super”. Unlike conventional acidified fertilisers, RPR-GYP provides a slow release source of plant-available phosphate, as well as calcium and sulphur needed for plant growth and healthy soils. All the products used in RPR-GYP

Pacific Fertiliser Sales

July 8th, 2013|

To avoid confusion between natural mined products and recycled gypsum products, we have started PACIFIC FERTILSER to separate the natural products from REGYP. From July 1 2013,  sales will go through the following process: PACIFIC FERTILISER - from 1 July 2013, sells all the natural mined products inc mined gypsum, phosphate rock, lime, bentonite

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