palm bulk

Sydney Lime

September 30th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser can supply, deliver and spread Ag lime to the greater Sydney basin and southern highlands. The super fine lime products are suitable from cropping, pastoral and horticultural operations from Central coast down to Nowra. Lime is also great for treating acid sulphate soils (ASS) found close to the coast line. We can also

Rock Phosphate Cowra

April 4th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser sells soft rock phosphate from its plant in Cowra NSW. We also offer organic and sustain single super alternatives call SRP Sustain and SRP SutainR.

Granulated Fertilisers

March 7th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser sells granulated fertilisers natural minerals and blends including the standard fertilisers but also soft rock phosphate, gypsum, dolomite, lime, manure and carbon. Pacific Fertiliser can granulate various fertilisers and mineral blends into 2-4mm particles which suit today's modern precision application equipment such as air seeders, aircraft and precision spreaders. Benefits of a granulated

Sydney Fertiliser

November 27th, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser supply bulk and bagged fertiliser products into the greater sydney basin. Including dry, soluble and liquid fertilisers as well as tailored fertiliser blends. We can package up products supply with delivery services.

Peak Crossing Dolomite

October 12th, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser refine a dolomite mineral resource located near Peak Crossing in SE QLD. The majority of the dolomite products are sold into the agricultural industry as a soil conditioner. Pacific Fertiliser supply dolomite in Fine, Super Fine, Ultra Fine and Granular grades from our Brisbane plant in bulk, bulkbags or pallets of 25kg

Townsville Gypsum

February 8th, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser is in discussion with Townsville authorities for bringing bulk gypsum into the port for agricultural customers. The feasibility of this plan is being refined as discussion progress.

Granular Gypsum

January 22nd, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser produce a granular gypsum product suitable for air seeder and aircraft application. The 2-4mm granular gypsum is made locally from blending various domestic sources of natural gypsum together to make consistent and stable particles. We then re screen the product after granulation to ensure there are no fines present. For sport turf applications

Bundaberg Gypsum

January 8th, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser has been in contact with the local authorities about bringing in bulk gypsum to the Port of Bundaberg for agricultural customers.

Eastcoast Bulk Ag Lime Supplies

January 1st, 2016|

Looking for local lime, or lime to suit your freight movements, look no further than Pacific Fertiliser. Please contact us for pricing ex pit, delivered or supply & spread. Bulk Super Fine Ag lime ex Riverton QLD – sub 500um – NV 99 - $ per tonne Bulk Fine Ag lime ex Warwick QLD – sub 1000um

Triple Super Alternatives

December 18th, 2015|

Triple Superphosphate (TSP) product is no longer stocked in large volumes in Australia and TSP is mainly used in blends. The products that are being used in its place are TriplePlus/Tresspass fertiliser  (TSPS), Double Super Phosphate (DSP or PastureKing), Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and Single superphosphate (SSP). Triple superphosphate, while not chemically pure, can be thought

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