Powder gypsum

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Gypsum Quality Comparison Report 2017

March 30th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser recently added more gypsum pits to a study it undertook in 2015 for detailed research into the bulk agricultural gypsum products available on the eastern seaboard of Australia. This research continues on from the NSW Department of Primary Industries work in 1996 which was reported in the AgFact AC.10 (Agdex 514) document. The


September 2nd, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new prilled product of 95% Gypsum and 5% Magnesium. This product is a great source of calcium, sulphur and magnesium. The 2 - 4mm prilled product increases flowability, bulk density and minimises dust during handling and  spreading General Product Specifications: • Calcium Ca - 21+% • Sulphur S - 17.4+% •

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