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High Analysis Phosphate Fertilisers

February 5th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser can offer the following High Analysis Phosphate Fertilisers. Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) - (0-21-0-2) Pasture King blend (PKSS9) - (0-15-0-9) Pasture King (PK) - (0-16-0-5) PacFert Pasture Blend - (5-18-0-10) StarterPhos   (11-18-0-10)  old goldphos Triple Plus Fertiliser (TSPS sulphur coated phosphate) - (0-18-0-10) TSP - Triple Super Phosphate is manufactured over two stages. First, sulphuric

Triple Super Alternatives

December 18th, 2015|

Triple Superphosphate (TSP) product is no longer stocked in large volumes in Australia and TSP is mainly used in blends. The products that are being used in its place are TriplePlus/Tresspass fertiliser  (TSPS), Double Super Phosphate (DSP or PastureKing), Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and Single superphosphate (SSP). Triple superphosphate, while not chemically pure, can be thought

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