qld gypsum

Aerial Grade Gypsum

September 19th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser’s aerial grade gypsum is a granular 2 to 6 mm product that will be available in 2014. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The phosphorous is then released into the soil over a few years providing good long term returns with minimal applications when applied correctly.

Pacific Fertiliser Sales

July 8th, 2013|

To avoid confusion between natural mined products and recycled gypsum products, we have started PACIFIC FERTILSER to separate the natural products from REGYP. From July 1 2013,  sales will go through the following process: PACIFIC FERTILISER - from 1 July 2013, sells all the natural mined products inc mined gypsum, phosphate rock, lime, bentonite

Gypsum is White Gold

July 7th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser Gypsum Is Almost A Universal Soil Amendment Irrigated land eventually leads to sodicity and salinity unless extreme care is taken. Gypsum is a key ingredient for the maintenance of agriculture on many types of soils and over a wide pH range including sodicity.  Advantages of Pacific gypsum in addition to prevention and correction

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