reactive phosphate rock

Phosphate Rock Gypsum Blends

May 25th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser can blend soft rock phosphate with natural gypsum to make an organic single super blend. The application rates for phosphorous below are equivalent 125kg/ha of Single Super 70/30 blend - (0-7-0-5)  - 165kg/ha 60/40 blend - (0-6-0-7)  - 193kg/ha 50/50 blend - (0-5-0-9)  -  232kg/ha Generally for the organic blends it is best

Granular Aerial Grade Soft Rock Phosphate

July 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade phosphate product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm granular, milled and fine screened soft rock phosphate (SRP) products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm phosphate granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical spreaders granular phsophate uses super fine grade natural SRP to

Phosphate Rock

January 31st, 2016|

PHOSPHATE ROCK products are an excellent natural source of phosphorus, calcium and many essential trace elements. Phosphate rock has up to one fifth the neutralizing power of lime. Pacific Fertilisers Soft Rock Phosphate has the following advantages: The product is Pre-digested, making it more soluble than other sources such as  Middle Eastern; Contains good P and Ca levels with the

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