richmond fertiliser

MKP Fertiliser

July 12th, 2018|

Monopotassium phosphate aka MKP  fertiliser (KH2PO4), is a soluble salt of potassium and the dihydrogen phosphate ion which is generally used as a fertilizer, a food additive and a fungicide. It contains both phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). When used in fertiliser mixtures with urea and ammonium phosphates, it minimizes escape of ammonia by keeping

MAP/SSP Fert Blends

April 11th, 2018|

A great general pasture blend of MAP + SSP containing high levels of Phosphorous with resonable Sulphur and Nitrogen contents. 50/50 NPS blend contains 5-14-0-6  

Custom Fertiliser Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Balance A quality fertiliser should have a balance of all the nutrients needed for optimum plant growth, yield, and quality. Does your fertiliser contain more than N-P-K? Does it include calcium and sulfur? How about trace minerals? If you answered yes, than you are part of the way toward a quality fertiliser. If you said

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