
High Analysis Rock Phosphate

November 16th, 2022|

Pacific Fertiliser has been refining, blending and selling domestic soft rock phosphate products in Australia for over 10 years. We have recently released some new high performance soft rock phosphate products suitable for the agricultural applications and blends. All of the following products are offered in fine powder, air seeder grade or aerial grade granules.

Phosphate Rock Gypsum Blends

May 25th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser can blend soft rock phosphate with natural gypsum to make an organic single super blend. The application rates for phosphorous below are equivalent 125kg/ha of Single Super 70/30 blend - (0-7-0-5)  - 165kg/ha 60/40 blend - (0-6-0-7)  - 193kg/ha 50/50 blend - (0-5-0-9)  -  232kg/ha Generally for the organic blends it is best

Granular Aerial Grade Soft Rock Phosphate

July 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade phosphate product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm granular, milled and fine screened soft rock phosphate (SRP) products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm phosphate granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical spreaders granular phsophate uses super fine grade natural SRP to

Organic Farming

August 20th, 2015|

Organic Passion - Landline Episode on organic farming and soft rock phosphate application Video Link   Pacific Fertiliser supplies a lot of organic products and blends suitable for organic agriculture.

Prilled Soft Rock Phosphate

July 16th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser is now offering a quality prilled soft rock product - RPRP - available form its Brisbane plant. RPRP a granular 2-4mm phosphate product.

Humates with Soft Rock Phosphate

April 14th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser is trialing blending its soft rock phosphate fines with humates to increase the effectiveness of the blended product and increase the solubility of the soft rock by upto 2.5 times.

Fine Grade Phosphate Rock

June 23rd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser releases its new RPR2 phsophate rock product. The RPR2 product is sub 2mm natural phosphate rock. The finer grade RPR makes it perfect for applications where high solubility and fast uptake is critical.

Aerial Grade RPR

June 23rd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new natural aerial grade phosphate rock product ex Brisbane. The RPR210 is a 2-10mm granular high quality soft rock phosphate is suitable for aerial spreading.

New Zealand Phosphate Rock

April 26th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can provide competitive phosphate rock products and blends to New Zealand. The phosphate can be blended with sulphur and other minerals and trace elements to meet your requirements. We can also provide aerial grade blends suitable for aerial spreading. Products are available in bulk or Bulkbags.    

Phosphate and Sulphur Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Agricultural production removes plant nutrients; therefore, these must be replaced to sustain production. Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are perhaps the two nutrients of greater importance because Australian soils are inherently low in these elements. In the case of P, reactive phosphate rock (RPR) is the most practical fertiliser to replace P in broad-acre organic

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