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Top Dressing Grade Fertiliser Specials

February 18th, 2020|

Bulk Fert Specials from Brisbane and Cowra Now that we are seeing some good rain in places, Pacific Fertiliser is offering some discounts to assist with lowering farming input costs. Please find some of our top dressing grade fertiliser blends below. If you require pricing for normal starter fertiliser or straight fertilisers such as Urea,

Top Dressing Grade Fertilisers

January 21st, 2020|

What is Top Dressing Grade Fertiliser? Generally top dressing grade fertiliser is granular fertiliser that is suitable for broad cast spreading using a belt spreader. Given belt spreaders are more forgiving on particle size distribution, Pacific Fertiliser have developed a cheaper fertiliser product suitable for Top dressing. Pacific Fertiliser can take second grade fertiliser (lumpy


January 16th, 2014|

PacFert releases a new blended product called REMAP. A blend containing Urea, DAP, Rock Phosphate, Lime and Gypsum. REMAP has good levels of N, P, K, S and Ca. Which provides you with a good base of soil nutrients in a single low cost application. PRODUCT Nitrogen (N) Phosphorous (P) Potassium (K) Sulphur (S) Calcium

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