sibelco g100 gypsum

Sibelco to Offload its Limestone Business

January 18th, 2019|

Graymont and Grupo Calidra announced that they have entered into an agreement to purchase the global lime and limestone business of the Belgium-based Sibelco group. The purchase includes operations located across the Asia-Pacific region in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and South America in Argentina and Chile. The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and

Micronised Gypsum Products

November 27th, 2017|

Pacific Fertilisers manufacturers micronised gypsum products suitable for agricultural, civil and industrial applications. The microfine gypsum products include: G100S - Solution Grade Gypsum - Suitable for dissolution in irrigation systems. G100FL - Flocculation Grade Gypsum - Suitable for flocculating dams including farm dams and civil sedimentary catchment dams. G100A - Aerial Suspension Grade Gypsum -

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