soft phosphate

New Zealand Phosphate Rock

April 26th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can provide competitive phosphate rock products and blends to New Zealand. The phosphate can be blended with sulphur and other minerals and trace elements to meet your requirements. We can also provide aerial grade blends suitable for aerial spreading. Products are available in bulk or Bulkbags.    

Phosphate and Sulphur Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Agricultural production removes plant nutrients; therefore, these must be replaced to sustain production. Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are perhaps the two nutrients of greater importance because Australian soils are inherently low in these elements. In the case of P, reactive phosphate rock (RPR) is the most practical fertiliser to replace P in broad-acre organic

Elemental Sulphur Blends

April 16th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can blend elemental sulphur (or sulphur bentonite) in with most of its products including phosphate rock and gypsum. Benefits of Sulphur: • Sulphur is known to improve the metabolism of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. • Elemental sulphur can be used where sulphur deficiency in soils is known to exist. • Application of sulphate


December 10th, 2013|

BENEFITS OF DIRECT APPLICATION PHOSPHATE ROCK Organic farming is the fastest growing sector of the global economy. Australia is the largest organic producer globally with 12 million hectares under organic cultivation. Pacific Fertiliser’s organic phosphate fertiliser is environmentally and nutritionally superior to chemical fertilisers and can be used on a wide variety of crops and

Aerial Grade Phosphate Rock

December 9th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser's aerial grade phosphate rock  RPR210 is a granular 2-10mm product that will be available in 2014. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The phosphorous is then released into the soil over a few years providing good long term returns with minimal applications when applied correctly. PacFert

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