
Granulated Fertilisers

March 7th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser sells granulated fertilisers natural minerals and blends including the standard fertilisers but also soft rock phosphate, gypsum, dolomite, lime, manure and carbon. Pacific Fertiliser can granulate various fertilisers and mineral blends into 2-4mm particles which suit today's modern precision application equipment such as air seeders, aircraft and precision spreaders. Benefits of a granulated

Custom Fertiliser Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Balance A quality fertiliser should have a balance of all the nutrients needed for optimum plant growth, yield, and quality. Does your fertiliser contain more than N-P-K? Does it include calcium and sulfur? How about trace minerals? If you answered yes, than you are part of the way toward a quality fertiliser. If you said

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