Dolomite and AG lime are the only natural products that will decrease your soils acidity thereby rectifying the problem. Dolomite is valued for its magnesium content and it is this, which distinguishes it from limestone. Dolomite and Ag lime (limestone) both neutralise soil acidity but only dolomite can correct magnesium deficiencies in the soil. Magnesium, like calcium is a plant nutrient.

Over time the acidity of soil tends to increase. This is due to such varied sources as rainwater (containing dissolved carbon dioxide), pollution containing oxides, sulphur and nitrogen, using fertilizers rich in ammonia, plant roots exuding nitrogen ions, and the natural decomposition of organic matter. Substantial research has been done on the optimal pH range for various crops. Dolomite has long been used to lower the acidity and raise the pH of farmlands and grass lawns.

Each time a field is farmed, whether it is for crop or pasture, the soil naturally increases in acidity. (pH 5.5 -strongly acidic – <4.5 extremely acidic). This acidity stops plants from absorbing the minerals required for growth and reduces the availability of naturally occurring nutrients to the crop. High rainfall areas have naturally acidic soils; however in some areas soil acidification can be a slow process resulting in a gradual and often unnoticed drop in production. Farmers should aim to feed the soil, not the plant, to create a soil that is balanced in nutrients, has good structure, high biological activity and high levels of organic matter. The soil pH should be constantly monitored and treated regularly with Lime or Dolomite.

