Fertiliser Blending

Pacific Fertiliser offers bespoke blending services to customers for their tailored paddock blends (one-pass blends). Pacific Fertiliser can offer the ability to service suppliers, customers and specific projects using 3rd party products blended with their regular fertiliser products. We also have the ability to consolidate, package and load up various products into shipping containers for export agents and/or foreign customers.

In Addition to blending services for normal fertiliser products, we also offer blends on organic products & trace elements . The blending systems can also add biology and inhibitors to the fertiliser blends to increase/decrease the nutrient release in the soil.

Port Logistics Services

We offer these flexible and tailored services for our customers’ diverse needs in the agriculture, industrial, manufacturing, waste and mining sectors. Our bulk transport capabilities are backed up with industry-leading material handling equipment and vehicles which are always well maintained and ready to get the job done.

When it comes to transporting bulk materials from Ports or inter-shed transfers, size and precision matters. We have access to a fleet of over 100 vehicles, including truck and dogs up to A-double combinations, ready to move your material safely, quickly and cost-effectively.

Our transport network is reliable, efficient and cost effective, so that we are able to safely deliver our products in a timely manner, at a minimum cost for our customers. including export order.

With bulk storage facility options close to port facilities, we can store most commodities under cover or in open stockpiles, then distribute for our customers.

Pacific Fertiliser also has the ability to quickly remove and process fertiliser sweepings from Port operations to free up shed space.


Pacific Fertilisers, has state of the art spreaders and soil mapping equipment ready to service NSW & QLD agricultural and civil customers. Our main spreaders are suitable for fertiliser, lime, gypsum, manure and compost.

The majority of our precision spreaders, have GPS guidance, hopper load cells and rate controllers, enabling precision applications with variable rate capability.

When it comes to the 4 R’s of fertiliser (right source, right rate, right time, and right place);