Treating Sodium with Humates
For soils high in sodium like those in the areas with irrigation water containing high salt contents (TDS), growing quality produce and crops can be a challenge. There are a few common methods to treat
The organic potassium KMS fertiliser is a BFA registered organic product and is available as a 2-5mm granulated product in loose bulk and Bulkbags. The organic fertiliser comprises of 20% Potassium, 16% Sulphur and 7%
Lucerne Fertiliser Blends
Some Single Super - Sulphate of Potash blends for Lucerne crops: Single Super Potash Blend - SSP Pot 1&1 - (0-4-25-6 + 10% Ca) Single Super Potash Blend - SSP Pot 1&1 Mo.025% - (0-4-25-6
Aluminium Smelter Waste Treatment with Gypsum
Pacific Fertiliser has supplied gypsum to an Aluminium Smelter decommissioning project. The project used the high quality gypsum for treating leachable fluoride concentrations in waste to chemically fix any leached fluoride to form the
Prime MSZ Fertiliser
Prime - MSZ fertiliser is an ideal starter fertiliser. Prime-MSZ can effectively provide newly sown crops and pastures with the right combination of nutrients for strong early root growth, healthy emergence and even crop growth.
Cotton Fertiliser Blends
Cotton Sustained is a balanced fertiliser blend that reflects the nutrient removal ratios of high yielding cotton crops, particularly for phosphorus and potassium. The Cotton Sustained blend contains 6% nitrogen, 12% phosphorus, 23% potassium, 2%
Lime Application Rates
Agricultural lime spreading application rates The amount of Ag lime required to adjust soil pH, this will depend on the current soil pH, soil type, annual rainfall, farming systems and lime quality. It is recommended
Bond Uni Rugby
Pacific Fertiliser's continues its sponsorship of the Bond University Rugby club in 2019. We wish the Bull Shark teams all the best for the rugby season. Pacific Fertiliser also wishes the Queensland Country Rugby side
Cowra Rugby Club
Pacific Fertiliser continues its sponsorship of the Cowra Rugby Club in 2019. We wish the Cowra Eagle teams all the best for the rugby season.
Stabilised Sand
Pacific Fertiliser can blend and supply stabilised sand for trench back filling. For electrical cables trenches, we can supply thermal sand to make a blend of thermal sand and cement - stabilised thermal sand to
Soil Salinity Treatment
Soil salinity is an important issue impacting agricultural production in Australia, with large areas effected to some degree including the Lockyer Valley. Salinisation of subsoils can be caused by natural processes, with water and soils
New Construction Products Brochure
Please find a link to Pacific Fertiliser's newly created construction products brochure. Pacific Fertiliser sells various products into the construction industry including: Gypsum Lime Fertiliser Compost & Manure Contaminated Soil Treatments Flocculants Bentonite Dust Suppressants