
Benefits of Green Manure Crops

Green Manure Crop Seed Supply Benefits of Green Manure Crops: * Increase organic matter, earthworms and beneficial micro-organisms. * Increase the soil’s available nitrogen (particularly legumes) and moisture retention, while assisting in reducing nutrients leaching.

November 4th, 2017|

Treating Aluminium Toxicity in Soils

Aluminium (Al) is the most common metal in Earth’s crust and is found in most soils, principally as a component of clay minerals. Al toxicity is often a major constraint of acid sub soils

November 2nd, 2017|

Hay Feed Fertiliser Blend Range

Hay Fertiliser Blend Range: - Hay Feed N (17-5-19-5) - Hay Feed S (12-5-24-5) - Hay Feed S + Mg (12-5-24-4 + 1% Mg) - Hay Feed K (16-5-21-1) - Hay Feed P (12-8-19-6) Lucerne

October 30th, 2017|

Truffle Growing Products

Pacific Fertiliser can supply coarse grade minerals suitable for growing truffles such as coarse lime, dolomite and gypsum. Truffles generally grow in free draining poor quality soils – something we have a lot of in

October 30th, 2017|


Kieserite (MgSO4· H2O) is used in the agricultural industry as a source for both magnesium and sulphur. Most commonly used in horticulture, one of its great benefits is that it is suitable for all types

October 26th, 2017|

Emerge Ag Fertiliser

Suppliers of High Analysis Fertiliser Products & Blends for Emerging Agricultural Crops. ph 1300473497

October 19th, 2017|

K-Mag Fertiliser

KMag (0-0-22-11 + 22% Mg) is a high analysis compound granular fertiliser containing potassium, magnesium and sulphur in each granule. K-mag fertiliser is derived from the naturally-occurring Langbeinite, which has a unique source of plant

October 9th, 2017|

Starter Fertiliser Application Rates

Safe Planting Rates of Starter Fertiliser for Narrow Rows Poor establishment of seed can occur when fertiliser is applied in direct contact with the seed at planting due to osmotic burn of high Nitrogen content

October 4th, 2017|

Sydney Lime

Pacific Fertiliser can supply, deliver and spread Ag lime to the greater Sydney basin and southern highlands. The super fine lime products are suitable from cropping, pastoral and horticultural operations from Central coast down to

September 30th, 2017|

Bentonite the Versatile Mineral

Pacific Fertiliser supply natural high swelling sodium bentonite clay for utilisation in the civil, agricultural and stock feed industries. Available as fine powder or granular, we can supply a bentonite product to suit your needs

September 13th, 2017|

Iron Toxicity

High Iron (Fe) levels in plants may cause a bronzing of leaves with the potential for tiny brown spots on the leaves.  However high iron levels in the soil can cause issues without any visible

August 18th, 2017|

Converting between ppm and kg/ha

To convert between “parts per million” (ppm) and “kilograms per hectare” (kg/ha) requires values for the soil bulk density (in kg/m3) and the depth of the soil layer sampled (in metres). You may choose to use

August 5th, 2017|
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