Granular & Soluble Grades

Pacific Fertiliser are bulk fertiliser specialists and has access to the major Fertiliser Supply Partners to offer our customers a large range of products. Our tailored fertiliser solutions can assist in meeting your specific crop and soil requirements, through promoting healthy growth and increased productivity. Backed by years of industry expertise and dedication, Pacific Fertiliser is your partner for securing competitive fertiliser product solutions for your agricultural operations.


A granular source of Nitrogen widely used in many applications of agriculture, including at-planting, side-dress and top-dress application to grain and oilseed crops, pastures and forage crops. Plants take up nitrogen from the soil in the mineral forms of nitrogen, both ammonium and nitrate before converting it to plant protein nitrogen.

Nitrogen (N) 46%
(P) 0%
(K) 0%
(S) 0%


The coating used in black urea, is a combination of organic carbon and other biological stimulants that increase the microbial activity around the granule increasing fertiliser use efficiency. The coating secures nitrogen within the soil and reduces volatilization and leaching by up to 30% over standard urea.

Nitrogen (N) 46%
(P) 0%
(K) 0%
Carbon (C) 21%


MAP is a major cropping fertiliser used in Australia as a source of phosphorus and nitrogen, MAP and MAP blends are used extensively in cropping systems and for sowing pastures. The low level of nitrogen makes it useful as a ‘starter’ fertiliser and as there is no free ammonia, the risk of affecting germinating seeds is minimal.

Nitrogen (N) 10%
(P) 22%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 2%


DAP is a major cropping fertiliser used in Australia as a source of both phosphorus and nitrogen. The high phosphorus content makes it a true high analysis fertiliser. DAP and DAP blends are used on a range of crops in broad-acre farming, cereals, sugar cane, sowing pastures, dairy pastures, fodder crops and also in horticultural crops; for example, vegetables and tree crops.

Nitrogen (N) 18%
(P) 20%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 2%


A single superphosphate fertiliser (SSP) mainly used for pasture top-dressing. The product is a low cost source of phosphorus and sulphur in a wide range of pasture  situations. SSP is a traditional product for supplying phosphorus and sulphur to pastures, the main two nutrients required for pasture production.

(N) 0%
Phosphorus (P) 9%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 11%
Calcium (Ca) 19%


Triple Superphosphate (TSPS) is a high analysis source of phosphorus compared to Single Superphosphate. It is a good source of phosphorus in situations where no nitrogen is required, for example, good fallow after clover dominant pasture. TriplePlus fertiliser is a compound granule of TSP and mircofine elemental sulphur.

(N) 0%
Phosphorus (P) 18%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 10%
Calcium (Ca) 17%


Cotton Sustained  is a balanced fertiliser blend that reflects the nutrient removal ratios of high yielding cotton crops, particularly for phosphorus and potassium. The Cotton fertiliser blend contains 6% nitrogen, 12% phosphorus, 23% potassium, 2% sulphur and 0.55% zinc.

Cotton Sustained can be very useful at higher application rates in cotton country that has tested low in potassium, marginal in phosphorus and low in zinc.

Nitrogen (N) 6%
Phosphorus (P) 12%
Potassium (K) 23%
Sulphur (S) 2%

COMPOUND 12-5-14-8

PF12-5-14-8 is a versatile compound NPKS fertiliser (similar to Nitrophoska or Granulock Blue) that provides uniform delivery of targeted, balanced nutrition to help optimise yield and quality in tree, vine and vegetable crops as well as sugar cane. Compound fertilisers means all the nutrients are contained in every granule, avoiding potential problems with nutrient blending and product segregation during transport or application.

Nitrogen (N) 12%
(P) 5%
Potassium (K) 14%
(S) 8%


SOP is a granular source of potassium in the form of potassium sulphate for use in crops with a high demand for potassium, including vegetables like corn and potatoes and pastures grown for forage and hay. SOP is especially suited for use in situations where MOP use is not desirable due to its high chloride content.

(N) 0%
(P) 0%
Potassium (K) 41%
Sulphur (S) 18%


MOP is a granular source of potassium in the form of potassium chloride (muriate of potash) for use in crops with a high demand for potassium, and pastures grown for forage and hay.

(N) 0%
(P) 0%
Potassium (K) 50%
(S) 0%


Granulated ammonium phosphate sulfate fertiliser containing elemental and sulfate sulphur. Mainly used for pasture establishment or renovation, where starter nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur are required.

Nitrogen (N) 10%
Phosphorus (P) 17%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 12%


A MAP blend providing an NPS fertiliser, mainly used at planting in forage and grain crops, and for top-dressing pasture.

Nitrogen (N) 13%
Phosphorus (P) 16%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 7%


MAP blended with Sulphur is a great starter cropping fertiliser and is also suitable for pastures with good levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur (NPS). The common NPS fertiliser blend is great for grains, oilseeds and pasture applications. MAP+S fertiliser is a blend combining MAP and Sulphur Bentonite. The DAP +S  fertiliser blend contains more nitrogen where required for grain or pastoral applications (17-20-0-11).

Nitrogen (N) 9%
Phosphorus (P) 20%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 11%


A fertiliser blend of MAP and SOA blends is a starter cropping fertiliser and is also suitable for pastures containing nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur. The blend is especially suited as a starter for Canola. The ratio of Nitrogen to Sulphur maximises early plant growth, with the Sulphur readily available in Sulphate form to assist with root establishment.

Nitrogen (N) 11%
Phosphorus (P) 19%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 8%


SonicZ Fertiliser is a high analysis compound MAP based fertiliser providing uniform NPS + Zn in each granule. Mainly used as a starter fertiliser for a variety of crops including cereals and oilseeds. The 1% Zinc (Zn) is in Zinc Sulphate form. This product is also suitable for use in blends.

Nitrogen (N) 11%
Phosphorus (P) 22%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 4%


This N Rich starter blend is a high nitrogen based fertiliser blend consisting of 83% Urea, 17% Starter Z. Providing big punch to get your crop going when your phosphorous levels are sufficient.

Nitrogen (N) 40%
Phosphorus (P) 2%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 2%


A NPKS fertiliser blend, containing potassium as muriate of potash, i.e. as chloride. Mainly used in tree crops. Also used as a planting fertiliser in some vegetable and forage crops on alluvial soils with a high phosphorus level.

Nitrogen (N) 15%
Phosphorus (P) 5%
Potassium (K) 12%
Sulphur (S) 14%


A ratoon sugarcane fertiliser blend, containing urea, and sulfur as Gran-am. This product is not recommended where fertiliser is surface-applied to a green cane trash blanket, unless rain is imminent or irrigation can be applied. Best results are achieved when placed into the soil, either beside the row or splitting the stool.

Nitrogen (N) 23%
Phosphorus (P) 2%
Potassium (K) 18%
Sulphur (S) 4%


Granular ammonium sulphate fertiliser (AMS), provides a good source of Nitrogen and Sulphur for agricultural applications. Sulfate or Ammonium was one of the first and most widely used nitrogen (N) fertilizers for crop production. With high analysis urea products, it is now less commonly used, but is especially valuable when both Nitrogen and Sulphur are required. The product is high solubility and provides versatility for a number of agricultural applications.

Nitrogen (N) 21%
(P) 0%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 24%


A SOA/MAP blend providing an NPS fertiliser, mainly used at planting in forage and grain crops, and for top-dressing improved grass pastures.

Nitrogen (N) 18%
Phosphorus (P) 5%
Potassium (K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 19%


This product is a A ratoon sugarcane fertiliser blend of Urea and MOP that is mainly used in cane crops.. This product is not recommended where fertiliser is surface-applied to a green cane trash blanket, unless rain is imminent or irrigation can be applied. Best results are achieved when placed into the soil, either beside the row or splitting the stool. 

Nitrogen (N) 24%
(P) 0%
Potassium (K) 24%
(S) 0%


Our range of Corn NKS fertiliser blends provide high levels of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur to ensure your crop yields.

Nitrogen (N) 22%
(P) 0%
Potassium (K) 17%
(S) 12%


Our range of Corn NKS fertiliser blends provide high levels of nitrogen, potassium and sulphur to ensure your crop yields.

Nitrogen (N) 7%
(P) 8%
Potassium (K) 30%
(S) 1%


This specialty NPS fertiliser blend is an ideal starter fertiliser for use on most crops, including cereals, oilseeds and pastures. The StarterPhos blend continues the reputation of Goldphos in providing a good hit of N, P and S nutrients.

(N) 11%
Phosphorous (P) 18%
(K) 0%
(S) 10%


A versatile compound NPKS fertiliser that provides uniform delivery of targeted, balanced nutrition to help optimise yield and quality in hay crops. For lucerne hay we recommend a phosphorous & potassium blend.

Nitrogen (N) 12%
(P) 5%
Potassium (K) 14%
(S) 5%


This tailored NPS fertiliser blend and similar ratios uses combinations of urea, MAP/DAP, Starter Z and/or zinc. Providing a good hit of macro (NPS) and micro nutrients (Zn) especially for summer crop planting. Other similar options inc 80/20 Urea S blend or our other customer blend CB22520 (40-2-0-2 + 1% Zn) supply the zinc in a starter compound fertiliser.

(N) 41%
(P) 3%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 1%


Sulphur is the fourth major nutrient in agriculture. Elemental Sulphur and Sulphur Bentonite pastilles (B90) products are great for increasing S in Ag blends with products like MAP, DAP, Triple Super, Single Super, Guano & Soft Rock Phosphate.

(N) 0%
(P) 0%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 90%


Pacific Fertiliser provides various NPK fertiliser blends to the agricultural industry. We can manufacture custom blends of fertilisers, minerals and trace elements to create variations of N:P:K:S:Ca and Mg to match custom soil and agronomic requirements. We also supply compound fertiliser for high value horticultural crops.

(N) 0%
(P) 0%
(K) 0%
Sulphur (S) 0%