aerial spread gypsum

Aerial Grade Gypsum

June 16th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new natural aerial gypsum product ex Brisbane. The Mine26 product is a 2-6mm granular high purity gypsum is suitable for aerial spreading, consisting of over 96+% purity, 17.8+% sulphur and 23% calcium. We can also do a 2-10mm aerial product which is slightly cheaper and a recycled gypsum option at 6-12mm.

Aerial Grade Gypsum

March 5th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser's aerial grade gypsum GranGyp24 is a granular 2-4mm product. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The gypsum used is of high quality providing good levels of sulphur and calcium. We can also do granule sizes of 1-2mm and 4-12mm. Note all the granulated gypsum products are

Aerial Grade Gypsum

September 19th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser’s aerial grade gypsum is a granular 2 to 6 mm product that will be available in 2014. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The phosphorous is then released into the soil over a few years providing good long term returns with minimal applications when applied correctly.

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