newcastle lime

Hunter Lime

June 11th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser supplies high quality lime products designed to treat acid sulphate soils and correct soil pH levels. We can supply the following areas competitively in bulk or bulkbags from our products plants: Bundaberg Sunshine Coast Brisbane Gold Coast Ballina Byron Newcastle Gosford Wyong Sydney Wollongong We can supply both ag lime and hydrated lime

Upper Hunter Lime

March 30th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser can supply, deliver and spread Ag lime from the limestone pin the greater hunter region of NSW. The ag lime products are suitable from cropping, pastoral and horticultural operations in Upper Hunter and New England Areas. We can also offer pH mapping and variable rate lime applications to ensure you have a uniform

Hot Lime

January 9th, 2016|

Hot Lime (or quick lime) for agricultural applications. A mineral with chemical formula CaO, and is commonly called quick lime, burnt lime or hot lime. It is made by heating limestone (CaCO3) to drive off carbon dioxide. Quick lime is used in preference to normal Ag lime or slaked lime for agriculture applications in some horticultural


January 9th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser sells many forms of Ag Lime (limestone) such as ground ag lime, prilled ag lime, fine ag lime and ultra fine ag lime. We also sell carbide lime, quick lime and hydrated lime. These products are available mainly from Brisbane, Sydney and Cowra, but we also have many region locations which enable us

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