TriplePlus Fertiliser Benefits

January 3rd, 2019|

Triple Plus (aka Trespass or TSPS) Fertiliser Benefits 62t TriplePlus contains the same amount of phosphate as 125t Single Super (SSP). (62t TriplePlus (0-18-0-10) contains [62 x (17.8/ 100)] = 11t phosphorus (P); and 125t SSP (0-9-0-11) contains [125 x (8.8/100)] = 11t phosphorus (P). The product is very suited to aerial or ground spread applications over

Triple Plus Fertiliser

June 22nd, 2018|

TriplePlus Fertiliser (aka Tresspass fertiliser) Is a compound fertiliser of Triple super phosphate and mircofine sulphur (TSPS fertiliser).  The TSPS product contains 10% S (mainly elemental sulphur) within the fertiliser granule. Available in Australia as a standard 0-18-0-10   and is being well received in the eastern ranges pastoral country as a high analysis phosphorous source.

Phosphate Rock Gypsum Blends

May 25th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser can blend soft rock phosphate with natural gypsum to make an organic single super blend. The application rates for phosphorous below are equivalent 125kg/ha of Single Super 70/30 blend - (0-7-0-5)  - 165kg/ha 60/40 blend - (0-6-0-7)  - 193kg/ha 50/50 blend - (0-5-0-9)  -  232kg/ha Generally for the organic blends it is best

MAP/SSP Fert Blends

April 11th, 2018|

A great general pasture blend of MAP + SSP containing high levels of Phosphorous with resonable Sulphur and Nitrogen contents. 50/50 NPS blend contains 5-14-0-6  

High Analysis Phosphate Fertilisers

February 5th, 2018|

Pacific Fertiliser can offer the following High Analysis Phosphate Fertilisers. Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) - (0-21-0-2) Pasture King blend (PKSS9) - (0-15-0-9) Pasture King (PK) - (0-16-0-5) PacFert Pasture Blend - (5-18-0-10) GoldPhos 10 - (0-18-0-10) Goldphos 20 - (0-16-0-20) Triple Plus Fertiliser (TSPS sulphur coated phosphate) - (0-18-0-10)   TSP - Triple Super Phosphate is manufactured over

Organic Soil Amendments and Fertiliser

September 16th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser sells various types of organic soil amendment products. These include: - Ag Lime (calcium source and pH adjustment) - Gypsum (source of calcium  and sulphur) - Soft Rock Phosphate (source phosphorous and calcium with some pH adjustment) - Dolomite (source of calcium and magnesium with pH adjustment) - Guano - Fish meal -

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