Urea is a refined synthetic source of an organic compound and is the most widely used nitrogen fertiliser in the world. Urea is made by combining ammonia and carbon dioxide. The majority of urea sold for agriculture is granular urea is which is tailored for ease of material handling, storage, spreading and blending.
Plants take up nitrogen from the soil in the mineral forms of nitrogen, both ammonium and nitrate before converting it to plant protein nitrogen. Plants vary in their preference to utilise either form of nitrogen. Nitrate is considered the main source because it is mobile in the soil. On addition to the soil, Urea dissolves into the soil solution and is converted to ammonium and then to nitrate.
Urea can be applied on its own or in blends with products such as MAP, DAP, MOP etc and/or other minerals and trace elements.
Urea is usually spread between 40 and 300 kg/ha. Actual spreading rates will vary according to farm type, climate, productivity and soil type. Smaller, more frequent applications are recommended to increase efficiency and minimise losses due to volatilisation and leaching.
Available in bulk, bulkbags and pallets of 25kg bags. It comes in granular, soluble and stockfeed grades.