
SRP Sustain – Organic Fertiliser

SRP Sustain products are a high quality natural organic fertiliser blend of soft rock phosphate, biology, gypsum and sulphur. The Sustain blends offers cheaper alternatives to Single Super (SSP) providing good levels of plant available

February 15th, 2019|

Dust Suppressant Products

Pacific Fertiliser now stocks products to compliment its SuperFlocc range such as Dust Suppressant products. We stock and sell various dust suppressant products which are suitable for hauls roads and stockpiles. Such as the Vital

January 28th, 2019|

IPF Fertiliser Blends

For all of your tailored fertiliser blends please contact Pacific Fertiliser for pricing and advice. Various IPF Blend Codes Below: • 1150 - GROWER 11 • 11155 - GROWER 12 • 11160 - GROWER 16(MG)

January 27th, 2019|

Solution Grade Lime

Solution Grade lime made from micronised Ag Lime. Using a high quality, ultra fine calcium carbonate to make a dry powder that is simple to mix with water for use in direct soil and water

January 25th, 2019|

Soil Mapping Services

Pacific Fertiliser uses a new Veris U3 soil mapping trailer and we also have a great relationship with SwatMaps in Gatton, to provide detailed mapping of paddocks to obtain: pH EC – Electrical Conductivity OM

January 23rd, 2019|


MyKoch or C3reservations are easier ways to book your fertiliser loads in.

January 22nd, 2019|


Bluey fert bookings an easier way to organise your fertiliser loads.

January 22nd, 2019|


Fertshed an easier way to book your fertiliser loads in.

January 22nd, 2019|


Fertbook an easier way to book your fertiliser loads in.

January 22nd, 2019|

Sibelco to Offload its Limestone Business

Graymont and Grupo Calidra announced that they have entered into an agreement to purchase the global lime and limestone business of the Belgium-based Sibelco group. The purchase includes operations located across the Asia-Pacific region in

January 18th, 2019|

Avocado Fertiliser Blends

Pacific Fertiliser can offer the following fertiliser blends for Avocado trees: Avo Blend 1 (9-7-19-12 +TEs)   -  A full NPKS + B fertiliser blend with Zn + Boron Sustainable fertiliser Option: Avocado NPK Pro (

January 3rd, 2019|

TriplePlus Fertiliser Benefits

Triple Plus (aka Trespass or TSPS) Fertiliser Benefits 62t TriplePlus contains the same amount of phosphate as 125t Single Super (SSP). (62t TriplePlus (0-18-0-10) contains [62 x (17.8/ 100)] = 11t phosphorus (P); and 125t SSP (0-9-0-11)

January 3rd, 2019|
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