fine dolomite

Queensland Dolomite

December 7th, 2020|

Pacific Fertiliser refines and sells high quality dolomite products in Queensland. Please click the image link for more information. QLD Dolomite

New 90kW Hammermill

April 1st, 2017|

PacFert has just commissioned and new 90kW hammermill for fine grinding minerals in Brisbane. This is in addition to the other operational 37 and 110kW mills and the sister 90kW mill under construction for Sydney. The mills assist in fine particle size reduction after the primary jaw, secondary and tertiary cone crushers in the circuit.

Terex Finlay 883 Reclaimer

January 10th, 2017|

Pacific Fertiliser has just bought a Finlay 883 screener to add to the fleet. This screen will be used at the gypsum and dolomite pits as well as refining fine minerals for resale at the Brisbane and Bundaberg plants.


July 16th, 2015|

Solubility in soil conditioners, such as gypsum, lime and dolomite are very important.  The key to solubility is mainly in particle size.  The finer the product, whether it be in gypsum, lime, dolomite or any other natural occurring mineral the quicker the result. Natural raw gypsum, aglime and dolomite should be applied at least six months

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